- The Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies (OACAS) is recruiting for youth 13 – 18 years of age (and up to 21 years) for the YouthCAN Provincial Youth Advisory Committee (YPYAC). The application link is enclosed & can also be found here.
- YouthCAN is also in need of some folks who would like to be a part of a small committee (made up of former YAC youth, YouthCAN Champions and other child welfare and OACAS staff) to review their YPYAC applications. If this is you, please email David Lewis-Peart directly at dlewispeart@oacas.org to confirm your interest. Reviews will take place between March 15th – 31st.
- OACAS and Project Outsiders are set to co-host a FREE, online workshop with guest presenter Jama Maxie on Saturday March 23, 1-4PM. The workshop is entitled, InspHire Virtual Learning Session: Public Speaking Skills for Youth from Care and is open for registration for up to 30 youth between the ages of 16 and 23 years of age with lived experience in the child welfare system in Ontario. Please RSVP through the flyer above. This is filling up fast!
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